About me

I'm a Software Engineer with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Mathematics Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.

My degree was focussed on Distributed Systems, Compiler Design, Automation and Performance Engineering and Computer Graphics. I have a strong background in Extremal Graph Theory. My thesis is an implementation of Razbarov's Revolutionary Flag Algebra for graph density predictions (Here is a link, it's incredible).


  • Lightning

    A library built using C++ 20 that provides an easier, optimized and multi-threaded access to STL algorithms, along with its own custom thread pool. This also contains the same implementations for running the code on the GPU using CUDA. (Almost complete!!)

  • Razbarov's Flag Algebra

    As a Research Project with Professor Matthew Devos, implemented a program to generate Semi-Definite programs for various problems in Graph theory, including Caccetta-Haggkvist, Turans number, and Seymour’s Second neighbor problem.

  • Pika

    Designed and implemented a new dynamically typed, interpreted programming language that aims to be lightweight, and easy to embed in other applications designed to run on single-threaded workflows. Built in Java and compiles to ASM.

  • GPU Optimized Feistel Cipher

    Developed an optimized variant of the Feistel Cipher, utilizing CUDA programming specifically tailored for Nvidia GPUs. This implementation led to a 30% reduction in decryption time for wireless connection data streams, surpassing traditional CPU decryption.


  1. Simon Fraser University


    Bachelors Of Computer Science, Mathematics, Dean's Honor Roll


  1. Software Engineer (Co-op) - IBM

    April 2022 — September 2023

    Leveraged STL in C++ to enhance DB2’s performance and integrated connectors for the Presto Engine to improve Batch and Interactive workloads for Data Lakehouse use cases. Led the design and creation of several automation tools to streamline the build process using Ansible, Jenkins, and GitHub API, allowing multi-platform builds to proceed in parallel with improved logging and notifications.

  2. Software Engineer (Co-op) - Semtech (Previously Sierra Wireless)

    April 2021 — January 2022

    Played an integral role in the development of XR Series router’s 802.11ax capabilities, shaping key features such as BSS coloring and OFDMA. These enhancements led to heightened stability and an enhanced user experience in dense environments. Engaged in the development of automation tools, harnessing IXIA’s IxVeriWave solutions and advanced RF testing equipment to ensure system stability in simulated extreme conditions

  3. Research Assistant

    Sept 2019 - Dec 2020

    Implemented a new Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm called GRC-BFS and co-authored a paper for ISCAS 2021 (Link to Code).


  • - K. Bekshentayeva, M. Singh, Ana Laura Gonzales Rios, Lj. Trajkovic, “Virtual Network Embedding for Switch-Centric Data Centre Networks”, in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2021, Korea (Link to Paper) (Link to Code).
